Why You Need to Learn Forex Trading

By Content-mgr - on November 15, 2015

The best way to learn forex trading is to start with a few simple objectives and methods, then slowly progress further into more challenging trading tasks.

The Benefits of Making the Effort to Learn Forex Trading

Some argue that trading cannot be taught by mentors, and some argue that self-taught people usually have fools for teachers, implying that individuals cannot learn by themselves. While neither of these arguments is necessarily definitive, all traders more or less learn from the opinions and analysis of older, more experienced traders. But that doesn’t mean that one cannot question the teachings of a senior trader, no matter how successful they have proven to be. The benefits of making the effort to learn forex trading are in that regardless whether one chooses to learn it all by oneself, or have a mentor to guide them, the objective is to learn how to be an original thinker. All it takes is a small change, and a popular trading strategy becomes almost unique and proprietary. Trading online is quite a challenge, and mentors can hardly prepare you for the psychological aspects of trading and dealing with fast moving live forex rates, while holding onto a losing trade. But there are things to watch out for — psychology first among them — as well as money management and overall account survivability during adverse trading conditions. Every seminar, book or source of information may provide clues as to how to deal with these factors. All these little bits of information can actually, slowly make up a complete trading strategy, one that can deal with markets from A to Z, no matter the conditions. And one which is bound to outperform any automated trading software as well.

learn forex trading
We all tend to learn best when there is emotion evolved.

Learning and Memorizing

It is best to trade with real money, as we all tend to remember certain events best, when these events happened during intense emotions. We all remember certain events that happened 10, 20 or more years ago, with extreme detail while we forget events that happened only a few days ago. This is because the memorable events occurred during extreme emotional state. These events, bad or good, become strong memories. In order to learn forex trading well, one has to trade with real money, at significant size, and keep a trading journal of the losses, the disappointments as well as the profits and the happy times from the profitable trades. What is forex trading without emotions? It’s a non-event, when someone trades a demo account or with real money at very low size. The whole trading endeavour becomes a minor event, which you will hardly remember a few years down the line. How did the market react when this or that indicator gave off a signal, which indicator let you down, and so many questions of this nature that if not taken into account, we will forget about them and make the same mistake over and over again. Until it happens with relatively large amounts of money, at which point it will become unforgettable.

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