Trading Forex For Results

By Content-mgr - on December 27, 2015

Trading forex is an experience with the world’s largest and most liquid market. The principal participants span the entire range of size (from virtually capital-unlimited central banks) to individual traders with under-$100 capital margin, leveraged to a factor of 400 or more. Similarly, their motivation span the entire risk attitude spectrum — from those seeking to profit from currency gyrations (speculators); To those seeking to insulate their underlying economic activity from international events beyond their control (hedgers); To everyone in between. And, as with any marketplace, the different participants also have different time perspectives.

Forex Vocabulary

Invest the time to learn the basics of trading forex: Including forex signals and forex charts. At this early stage in your pursuit, strive to master techniques which are not naturally your temperament or ability. Master basic terms such as:

  • The national currency you are using for the purchase is the base currency. The national currency that you are acquiring is called the quote currency. In trading forex, transactions involve selling one currency to buy another.
  • The exchange rate denotes how much one has to spend in quote currency to buy the equivalent base currency.
  • A long position translates into buying the base currency and selling the quote currency. As an example, you might sell U.S. dollars to purchase the Euro.
  • A short position means that you would purchase quote currency and sell the base currency. In other words, you would sell the Euro and buy US Dollars.
  • The bid price is the price at which you (or your broker) is willing to purchase the base currency in exchange for the quote currency. The bid is the best price at which you would consider selling your quote currency on the open market.
  • The ask price, (also called the offer price), is the price at which you (or your broker) will accept to sell base currency in return for the quote currency. The ask price is the best currently available market price for which you would want to buy the currency.
  • A spread represents the difference between the bid and the ask prices. [1]
  • A pip measures the difference in worth between 2 currencies. Usually, one pip equals 0.0001 of a difference in value. For example, if your EUR/USD trade moves from 1.063 to 1.064, your currency value has increased by ten pips.

Forex Brokers

  • Find a broker with experience and a track record. In the business world, caring for your customers is the key to longetivity.
  • Confirm that the broker is subject to regulation by appropriate national and international authorities. A regular  submission to government oversight helps confirm the broker’s honesty and transparency.
  • Review the broker’s variety of offerings with the clear implication that the larger the product base, the more disperse and diffuse the customer base.
  • Troll reviews but with a wary eye. In our era of confessional deterministic ratings, brokers, like all businesses with an online presence seek to game the system.
  • Visit the firm’s web site. It should look professional, and offer full demo account functionality. Trading should be simple click-through and confirm. Ensure that a modicum of forex charts and forex signals are offered.
  • Verify any transaction costs. Review the ease of depositing and withdrawing funds from accounts. Examine any commissions incurred for funds transfers.
  • Focus on the essentials. Try out the customer support.


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