The Difference between a Casino and a Forex Trading Platform

By Content-mgr - on September 7, 2016

Forex Trading Platforms Offer Immense Opportunities through Skill Not Luck

Casinos operate various games, most of which offer little chance of success to the player. Forex trading platforms on the other hand offer much more to traders.

How Forex Trading Platforms are Better than Casinos

While it’s true that casinos operate various games. All but a few of these games are games of luck and not skill. It’s only games of sophisticated skills, such as poker and craps, where the player may win consistently. All other casino games offer low probability of success, and the player is doomed, sooner or later to lose all their money. Forex trading platforms are very different to casinos. First of all, casinos are closed circle systems, and are very small, offering small earning potential. The forex market on the other hand is much bigger. So much more that is like comparing a swimming pool to large lake. The forex market is a massive system. And is not really a closed one because it is linked to the real world, global trade and to the entire financial system. Forex brokers facilitate trading in such ways, that even a small retail trader can have full access to the currency markets. Moreover, the small trader stands an equal or higher chance to win, over large size traders. This is because there is no limit as to how much the small retail trader can improve their trading. And because the forex market is so liquid, all their trades can be handled efficiently at almost any time.

Forex Trading Platforms Offer Real Opportunity

Forex trading platforms have enabled many traders to become millionaires, or at least better off financially. Casinos on the other hand produce too few millionaires and successful players. And in reality casinos could never offer the opportunity for success that forex trading platforms offer. It’s all because of the massive difference in liquidity and probability of success. Forex trading strategies are based on skill and proprietary analysis methods. The vast majority of people who frequent casinos do not have equally good skills. And actually attempt to combine social life and fun with making money. And they soon find out that it doesn’t work. And one of the biggest obstacles is noise. Casinos are too noisy and distracting places, where it is impossible even for great minds to focus on specific tasks. Casinos know this, and use it as a tactic to distract successful poker player by offering them free alcoholic drinks. All in an effort to make even these few profitable players lose their focus.

Forex trading platforms
Casinos are affraid of winners, because even a single large winner can start taking away a significant portion of the business profits. After careful client psychological profiling, they will do anything to distract winners and cut their successful playing short. The forex market on the other hand, though visually less attractive, represents an entire global economy and can tolerate even astronomically large winners. A million dollar profit, is a drop in the ocean for the FX market and it doesn’t even make the winner stand out at all. As far as conflicts of interests go, casinos don’t tolerate even medium size winners. The FX market has huge conflicts of interests between various countries and investment banks, but the small retail trader is totally immune to these.

Conflicts of Interests

Casinos inherently operate on a profound conflicts of interests basis, and big consistent winners are simply not welcome. Online Forex trading has its own conflicts of interests here and there, especially in trading between large investment banks. But the market itself is so large, liquid and open, that the small retail trader trading up to $100 per pip, will not encounter any issues. In fact, small retail traders can trade for years and years through reputable CFD brokers without encountering problems. Except for the increased volatility which the market naturally has. But even during those hard volatile times, only day traders may encounter problems. Slow-pace forex traders can get around volatile and high risk times without any problems at all. And because of these proven facts wise forex traders find ways to maintain a probability advantage, always through skill and focus, and not through luck.







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