February 22, 2023

Why Choose Bitcoin Cash as Investment?

Gone are those days when Bitcoin was an obscure digital novelty used by a highly restricted community. By 2023, it had become a household name. People have accepted cryptocurrencies as a new type of money and have increasingly begun investing in them. Despite occasional drastic retreats in its price, Bitcoin has retained a leading place […]
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February 16, 2023

What Is the Secret of Meme Stocks’ Popularity?

The previous year, and the year before it, stand out in history not only because of the pandemic and ubiquitous lockdowns. They also gave rise to so-called meme stocks that have often managed to take the global stock markets entirely by surprise. Like none of the other stocks, meme stocks have the power to rattle […]
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October 17, 2019

Brexit & Q3 Earnings Report with Data Deluge.

Brexit & Q3 Earnings report with Data Deluge. The Market’s response to the ongoings with Brexit, Q3 Earnings Report, US-China Trade saga and Middle – Eastern tension are all familiar phenomenon, while we have expounded at length in previous articles and post. Caution is still warranted as the rewards are sweet, the losses are also […]
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July 31, 2019

An Actively Charged Oil Day, With Automatic Data Processing, Earnings & More!

An Actively charged Oil Day, With Automatic Data Processing, Earnings & More! In anticipation of heavily loaded economic events day. Which includes the highly, sort after US rate decision, The ADP Automatic Data Processing report on the private jobs report to gauge the US employment quotas. EIA crude oil and gasoline inventories as well as […]
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July 18, 2019

An Overview Report Of US – China’s Trade War Effect On Safe Havens In 2019’s Q2

It is a known phenomenon that when the financial markets witness an economic “crisis” such was experienced in the markets recently between, the US and China’s “Trade War,” a large percentage of market participants prefer to put their capitals and investments in safe havens whether it is precious metals or currencies. In this report, we […]
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June 13, 2019

Bull & Bears Tug Of War, Oil Hops, Global Stocks Move Into High Gear.

Here we go again with the Bull & Bears Tug of War, Oil hops, Global Stocks move into High Gear. As market gathers momentum driving by emotions at times and short term swings ensued by the Trade Tariffs antics, oil politics and Brexit tweaking as the UK searches for a new leader to provide a […]
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