Relying on a CFD Trading Guide

By Content-mgr - on January 27, 2016

Beginner traders have a lot to learn, a CFD trading guide offers them valuable guidance and basic advice for making their first trades in the commodity markets.

Using a CFD Trading Guide from the Beginning

Using a CFD trading guide can enhance the trading of any beginner trader, especially in the commodities markets where each market comes with its own requirements. Successful currency trading, as well as commodity trading relies on knowing these markets and specifically knowing the balance between supply and demand. Most currencies and even commodity currencies are volatile and hard to trade, whereas commodities themselves come with other risks, but some commodities at least are easier for beginner traders to start trading. Especially agricultural and energy commodities, because they tend to trade in a technical way, strongly adhering to the principles of technical analysis. Most simple CFD guides, help traders find the market of their choice, based on what they find most attractive to trade, and their understanding of these markets. Many traders are also directly or indirectly involved in the underlying industries. So a soybeans or corn CFD trader may actually be also a producer of these commodities, or be somehow involved in the physical trading of these commodities. Dealing with the real thing enables many traders to have first hand experience of the market’s inner workings and principles. So they understand seasonal trends, the impact of the weather and so on. Even speculators who have never seen the real thing in commodities, do research which does go all the way down to the farmer’s field. Because that’s the best way to get a sense of the balance between supply and demand.

CFD Trading Guide
Traders find it fashionable to trade precious metals and gold. But actually the real gold lies with agricultural commodities, because these have more pure trends. As they are not distorted by inflation hedgers and other investors.


A CFD Trading Guide is about Being a Specialist

As with all markets and commodities, one has to be a specialist to really understand what is going on. A good CFD trading guide should always be specific, and as new traders are better off starting with some commodities, that guide should be commodity specific as well. Many traders don’t know what is CFD trading, and what benefits exactly it brings with it. Trading CFD contracts goes far and beyond than just high leverage and affordable trading. Especially in commodities, it offers so much more that it is like the Swiss army knife of trading! CFDs offer linear hedging, one way liquidity, tax benefits, and a window to new opportunities that would have been otherwise impossible or too costly to gain access to. Which is why all wise commodity traders trade through CFDs. Some agricultural commodity traders, such as sugar and corn traders specifically, have sometimes made well calculated long term trades, where they made millions of dollars. All through combining commodity expertise and inter-market research. These were trades that are hard to find, they require a lot of imagination and original thinking, since they do not repeat themselves. But they do happen. A trend in sugar for example may be determined by other food and energy commodities, because sugar is actually both. The nice thing about these well selected trends is that they are very solid, and the probability of gaining money is way larger than the risk of ever losing money.

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