Trump or Hilary – Who is Better For the Future of Online Trading

By Content-mgr - on August 31, 2016

Online Trading Platforms and the Future of Trading in the US

The US presidential election of November 8 is seen as crucial by US citizens, on many matters. To traders it’s about access to CFD online trading platforms.

The Future of Online Trading Platforms and Income Tax in the US

US citizens worry about terrorism, immigration control and so much more. The upcoming presidential election is very likely to be won by republican candidate Donald Trump. US traders on the other hand also worry about possible negative changes in the way that the stock market works. Or in the way that profits made from financial trading are taxed. Given that taxation is already heavy in the US, and capital gains tax (CGT) is applied to many forms of trading. And from that perspective, US traders are very like to vote for Trump. Because the republican party is more supportive to free enterprise and capitalism. On the negative side, the republican party is less likely to engage in trade cooperation with former enemy states, such as former President Clinton did with Vietnam. The idea is however that most former enemy states are no longer real enemies of the United States. As today’s threats to national security come from terrorists, and not formal states. To traders, the change may be for the better because the Trump administration may allow the Securities and Exchange Commission to grand licenses to CFD brokers, to actually allow US citizens as clients. So far US citizens are not allowed to trade CFDs, not even through regulated EU based brokers. And these traders are at a severe disadvantage over their European and Asian counterparts. These traders dream of CFD online trading platforms and their benefits. On the taxation front, CFDs will not be exempt from CGT, but that is of little concern to traders who know how to trade profitably. The benefits of CFDs far outweigh tax issues. Moreover, other trading instruments in the US are not exempt from CGT either.

The Future of Online Trading Platforms
To commodity traders, investors and risk taking entrepreneurs, Trump is better. No entrepreneur wants to take risks, and then be heavily taxed so that half the profits democratically go to subsidize lazy citizens who never take such risks. That’s the naked truth in how the people of free, private enterprise really feel. Commodity traders wants to gain access to CFDs, and Trump could  offer it to them. CFDs are so beneficial that access to them is desired so much by US traders, even if they are subject to a higher CGT rate than European and Asian traders’ incomes are subject to.

CFD Online Trading Platforms and Missed Opportunity

US commodity traders see CFD online trading platforms as a forbidden fruit. And they are indeed just that. Because they get to see how EU based CFD commodity traders perform in real action. They simply have an unfair advantage over US based traders, hence the jealousy is reasonable. Commodity and forex brokers based in the EU and elsewhere will have a chance to accept US citizens as clients, only under a republican US president. That is a no brainer. The democrats have been hindering the potential growth of unrestricted financial trading, even under the tightest regulation. EU based CFD brokers are well regulated and well run, and yet are not allowed to accept US based traders. As soon as the legal issues and tax issues are resolved, the small retail US trader will be able to trade CFDs. Just like all other traders in the modern financial markets. And the US has always been a leader in financial trading evolution. And it was under a republican government in the early 70s, that derivatives were introduced in the commodity markets for the first time ever, in the world! As a way to prevent commodity prices and crude oil in particular from ever rising to extreme levels again.

Trump is Best for Commodity Traders and for All kinds of Retail Traders and Investors

Every forex trader and investor wants the best they can get in the markets today. And democrats have failed to deliver on that. While democrats have been good in other aspects of the economy and on social issues. Real capitalistic society requires less government support, less subsidies, and for entrepreneurs to have the motivation to take risks. All entrepreneurs and traders take risks, so they want to be taxed less, and to operate on an even playing field with the rest of the world. The much desired advent of online CFD trading in the US will give retail traders and investors that lost advantage. So their online trading platforms will be offering so much more than they do today.

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