The Key in Learning Trading CFD for a Living
By Content-mgr - on June 13, 2016It is unlikely that you will be able to trade for a living from the very beginning of your efforts. But the idea is to keep your trading stress-free, and pressure-free as much as possible. Realistically, success comes at an exponential rate, which is deceptively slow in the beginning. And becomes impressive after a while. But the transition from being a full time working person, to being a trader, is not compatible with the pursuit of a trading career. While all jobs require exact timing and adherence to deadlines, trading requires a rather loose approach. Trading CFDs for a living is a huge challenge at first, and it may intimidate many new traders. CFD trading signals, even the best of the best, can be mishandled out of carelessness and emotion. And market moves, even when predicted, can still be traded so badly, that the account will not survive the margin requirements. So don’t let assumptions fool you, into believing that trading CFD for a living is easy and has linear success. Don’t let negative thinkers discourage you either. You must find the right balance between unrealistic goals and realistic ones, and your friends are unlikely to help you on this. It is something unique for each new trader to figure out. The idea of trading online made easy can be made possible, when you rely more on yourself, and much less on other traders’ signals. It’s all about perseverance and coercion-free trading, while making that transition from full time job, into part time job and part time trading. It might only be trading for 1 hour a day, it is still possible to make the transition. But avoid coercion and strict deadlines, if you impose these on yourself, it will sabotage any good efforts you will be making.

Trading CFD for a Living and the Tipping Point
Trading CFD for a living starts with a strong determination, an open mind, and a lot of flexibility. Remember that success works exponentially, don’t even think about making predictions based on past performance. Trading becomes profitable in an exponential way. So on the way leading up to the tipping point, which defines success once and for all, you will still encounter big losing trades and unbelievable confusion in the markets. The trick is knowing how well your trading really is deep down, regardless of profit and loss. You might be very close to that tipping point, and you might be able to pass it, simply by avoiding one losing trade per week. This may include for example not trading at all on Fridays, or on Mondays. Some very deceptive signals tend to appear around midweek, with the market finally surprising everyone on Friday. Wise traders can actually detect these signals and trade accordingly. But even wise traders sometimes define certain days or hours, as not suitable for trading a particular strategy. Moreover, not trading is actually trading because the market moves allowing the trader to get a different price the next day. Simple things as this one, can help make the next step and go past the tipping point. And once past the tipping point, you will have more winners than losers, even with fewer hours of trading. The rest is left to online CFD brokers who will be taking your orders, and will be providing the right liquidity for you to place these trades and make money.

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