Trading Currency For a Living

By Content-mgr - on February 8, 2016

Trading currency for a living is a level many traders want to reach. But it comes with a long and often costly, very tough learning curve, which few can afford.

Trading Currency For a Living and Keeping Things under Control

Trading currency for a living and keeping things under control, so as to maintain profitability, is what all traders want. The forex market offers great flexibility and many opportunities, though not necessarily in the popular pairs. Many traders who failed to make any profits trading stocks, turned to the forex market, and some of them were able to finally succeed and trade for a living. This is because stock trading is full of marketing hype and empty promises, especially when it comes to day trading stocks. The fact is, stock day trading along with stock option trading are extremely difficult. And the level of complexity is such that it is mathematically certain that the average trader will lose all their money in a matter of weeks. The forex market is risky and tough, but it’s diverse and more interesting. This is because the global forex converter mechanism offers flexibility, and not all currencies go up or on at the same time like stocks do. Moreover, there are currency pairs which for several hours of the day, are really predictable. And follow patterns spanning from Monday to Friday. Trading through any good forex broker, and especially CFD broker, can make currency trading enormously flexible for those seeking to make a living trading.

Trading Currency
Market risk and reward can be made to be asymmetrical in the forex market. So that a losing trade scenario in EURUSD will automatically trigger a larger profitable trade in another US dollar cross. This cannot be done with stocks, at least not by the average trader.

Trading Currency to Recover Losses in Stocks

Trading currencies in order to recover losses in stocks and stock related investments is a good idea. Usually, all investors and traders want to recover their losses in the same market where these losses occurred. Simply for vindicating themselves psychologically and feeling good. But a better way, is to be open minded, accept defeat in the stock market and turn to the forex market. Remember currencies are one against the other, when one falls another one is rising. Risk can be managed better, and generally there is no need for having concentrated risk on one asset or direction. And CFD contracts make things even easier, anyone who knows what is CFD trading, knows the unique benefits. Some forex strategies are about sideways trading and multiple trades, as opposed to riding solid, long lasing trends. But even long lasing trends do exist in forex, and yet not so much in stocks. Stocks come with the promise of company-specific analysis and opinion, but they their trend is determined by ETF money and large institutional trading. This makes stock trading volatile, in the most unpredictable way and hard to trade. Currencies are less confusing, and even when wrong on the trade one can have protective contingent orders set up on another correlated or semi-correlated currency. This cannot be done with stocks, except for hedging the downside through CFDs.

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