May 31, 2023

The Election Results Deepen the Depreciation of the Turkish Lira

Introduction: Following President Erdogan’s victory in the election, the Turkish Lira has experienced a significant decline in value. This blog explores the factors contributing to the depreciation of the Turkish Lira, why veteran traders are able to capitalize on these opportunities, and the importance of knowledge in understanding and leveraging such market dynamics. The Depreciation […]
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May 17, 2023

Unveiling the Strength: Analyzing the Current Trend of the US Dollar

The US dollar is currently experiencing a surge in popularity, presenting both risks and opportunities for investors. One way to track the value of the dollar is through the U.S. Dollar Index (USDX), an exchange-traded fund that measures its strength against a basket of six major foreign currencies. How Strong Is the Dollar? The US […]
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March 27, 2023

An Introduction to Stock Market Indices

When you check market news, you notice how prominently information about indices figures in any market update. Before you are briefed about the prices of individual companies’ shares, you hear about the movement of major indices. As of writing, for example, indices are on the rebound, spurred by a reversal in the bank selloff. After […]
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March 9, 2023

Investing in the Base Metal Market: What You Need to Know

People readily invest in gold, considering it a shelter in difficult economic times. Silver is popular, too, because, like gold, it holds its value better than other assets during inflation. Yet gold and silver are not the only profitable metals you can trade. If you are interested in trading commodities, especially natural resource commodities, you […]
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March 6, 2023

Why Demand and Supply Don’t Determine Oil Prices?

Oil prices make daily headlines, and oil continues to influence the global economy, often indicating its general health. WTI’s high price now – above $78 a barrel – gives evidence of the geopolitical instability in the world, which began a year ago when the eruption of the Russian-Ukrainian war pushed oil prices to almost $140, […]
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March 5, 2023

Should You Still Invest in Gold?

Gold has always enjoyed a reputation as the most precious and stable commodity, a so-called safe haven where investors rush in during unstable economic times. There are sound reasons for gold’s high esteem, though some people dismiss the metal’s popularity as overblown and a trifle barbaric. They say gold’s worth is negligible compared to paper […]
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