How to Practice Currency Trading and Find Your Own Unique Strategy

By Content-mgr - on May 8, 2016

Traders of all levels practice currency trading carefully. They practice every new idea, so as to find out if that idea is worth pursuing and advancing further.

How to Practice Currency Trading Ideas and Concepts

Traders who are serious about trading and whose financial security may depend on trading, view the forex market in a peculiar way. They take learning and experimentation very seriously, they practice currency trading by going to great lengths. But once they have figured things out, they take actual trading quite lightly. Because they know that very strict trading conditions are imposing and counter-productive. So it’s okay to make mistakes and have losing trades. And to also have some freedom of choice when it comes to placing a trade. Traders learn forex basics, then move onto some trading online course. Or anything that could help them advance their understanding. Every book, E-book, or other educational material does have something to offer. Even the worst written ones. There are also webinars and live seminars available, including some very expensive live seminars. The people who conduct these premium seminars are usually successful traders themselves. But that still doesn’t mean that all information presented will be accurate and useful. Nonetheless, all seminars do have some good tips to offer. And very often even a single trading tip pays for the cost of the entire seminar in a single day of actual trading action. Currency trading training is priceless, and it helps traders develop their own unique trading style. This is because traders cannot gain anything out of their trading practice and tests, unless they have some goals and minimum requirements to achieve. In the case of serious, dedicated traders, the objective is to be able to make at least a living out of the forex market. That’s why they practice currency trading again and again, in an effort to explore overlooked aspects and seemingly minor details. But nothing is of minor importance when it comes to trading, when you look at the biggest losing investments and trades of independent traders and also those of investment banks. They were all caused by false assumptions. In fact, an assumption is bound to be false most of the time. The very word assumption means that one doesn’t really know what they are doing. So assumptions always come with risk, which has to be either hedged against or somehow mitigated.

Practice Currency Trading
Seminars provide great insights into trading. So that new traders can set goals on their forex trading practice and test new ideas and strategies. Nonetheless, no matter how successful the presenter is, they might also believe in some false trading theories. Traders need to challenge each and every claim about a trading theory. Is this or that theory good? Compare against logic, probability, against market charts, and against the predictive power of a coin flip. If the theory wins out over those, then it is a good one!

Practice Currency Trading for Gaining an Edge over Other Traders

If you practice currency trading carefully and are able to fully figure out the risks involved. Then these risks can be hedged against or mitigated. Practice so as to leave nothing to chance. Risk that is known and measured, is still risk. But it causes much less surprise when it hits the market. Currency trading training helps define trading practice objectives and goals. This is even more true in today’s commodities markets, where traders trade both a commodity and its related currency pair. They usually do so through CFDs, because of the unique benefits that CFDs offer. But the idea is to hedge the loss on risky trades, through CFDs. And to carefully measure the risk on both the commodity in question, and the related currency pair. If for example the commodity happens to be gold, then the related currency pair will be AUDUSD. But the risk is not always equal. So depending on the circumstances, despite a bullish signal on gold, AUDUSD may actually pose much less risk should the trade go wrong, or vice versa. Serious currency trading training can help traders a great deal in understanding the forex market. Which by definition is related to commodities through some of the currency pairs available. Traders use a CFD trading demo account to test the benefits of CFDs and how they can be used in actual trading.However, benefits such as enhanced liquidity and better filling price, are only evident through live CFD accounts. When it comes to demo accounts all non-CFD trading platforms seem to work perfectly well. But when it comes to real live trading, only CFDs maintain enhanced liquidity and smooth trading conditions. As traders practice more and put their knowledge to the test, they are able to judge other traders and seminar teachers. When you really know what you are doing, you are able to see that even millionaire traders who trade successfully and who conduct seminars. With so much confidence, do actually make some unbelievable mistakes. They might for example attribute their success to the wrong trading theory, unknowingly of course. So they should not be immune to criticism and reality checks. Just because someone made millions trading forex, it doesn’t mean you should not question his beliefs. On the contrary, it is exactly because of the trading success that those false beliefs will tend be seen as correct by many seminar attendees. So be careful and always check claims against fact, and against probability. Serious trading is about fact, not tact, so don’t be afraid to disagree even with a millionaire trader.

Moreover, if you happen to learn trading skills from veteran traders you should put these skills to the test. Through current market conditions. There are classic trading methods that use to work up until around 10 years ago. These no longer work because algorithmic trading has made markets less volatile compared to that period. You should practice currency trading carefully, and evaluate the importance of volatility. Volatility changes do impact foreign exchange currency trading in many ways. So ask yourself the question, of what would be the best way to trade the same system should volatility go way up or way down. Volatility adjustments are necessary, always! You cannot just follow proven trading systems of other traders, without readjusting volatility related parameters. You can learn a lot from the veterans. But always apply it to the latest market conditions. And do some critical thinking. There’s no free lunch in the markets, and certainly not prepackaged free lunch.

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